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Workshops for Jobseekers


The association runs regular intensive workshops to help job seekers to prepare proactively for the job market.


Our trainers and coaches also offer individual training and practical support in the preparation and writing of applications, identification of potential employers, employee branding.


All our services can be delivered face to face or as online coaching (Zoom, Teams or Skype).


Next Workshops:


25.03.2021: "Comment trouver un emploi malgré la Covid"


15.04.2021: "Finding a Job despite Corona"


Participation Fee: 100 €


Programme in French


Programme in English

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To send us your comments, Please use the contact form on this site or send us an email at

or call us on +352 28 99 36 69


© 2021 by Competence asbl. All rights reserved.

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